Thank You 2018 and Hey 2019
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hey peeps!
New year. New feels. New chances. Same dream. Fresh start.
2018 - the year where me finishing my matriculation life and having a new life in university. A bit hectic actually for me; moving on from my comfort zone into a world that has so much freedom. I was scared as hell and a bit excited both at the same time.
Year 2018 - I met lot of people; also from matric and uni. Different people, different stories, different colors. All mixed up and becoming a rainbow in my life. Those people come and go and all I wanna do is thank them for existing. Thank you for teaching me the meaning of life and giving me lessons that I can't learn in classes. And most important, thank you for those who stayed with me and listen to all my rambling and be with me even when I pushed you away. Thank you.
Still 2018 - I learn the meaning of heart break (even if I don't really have a special guy or whatever they call). I learn that we can't control someone's loyalty, no matter how nice we are to them and no matter how much we valued them, doesn't mean they'll gonna value us the same. Sometimes, the one we love the most could turn into the one we can trust the least. Having this little heart torn to pieces somehow help me to be a bit stronger and they said times should help to heal it, but they forget to tell me that, the scars would remain.
Almost the end of 2018 - I had fun, I learned, I met new people, I made new friends, I keep loving the people around me, I learn to express my feelings slowly, I build some new confidence and most of all, I'm becoming stronger then how I used to be. My most valuable lesson this year is, I shouldn't let my heart depends too much on others and should start learning to accept myself for me.
.. it's your life, your choice and you will be the one who's gonna live with every consequences that came after it. - Al-Hakiem
2019 - Should be a fresh start, I guess. New chapter of my little life. Keep praying to Him that I'll be stronger this time. I'll be meeting a lot whole of new people and be adding some more colors in my black and white life. And I do hope that the people I used to know will stay in touch and I'll pray for the best of you. And for my new year resolution is to not have a resolution. Yeah, probably just a fresh start of myself with the resolutions and wish list that I already have and no more procrastination.
Most of all, I hope that we all will keep learning and won't stop learning even if we're at the brink of giving up.

May happiness be with you always,