UTeM First Semester
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Hey wonderful people, how are you ? I hope each and every one of you are doing fine and living a great live :) As for me, I'm doing just fine, just a bit sick but I'm fine. For now, I'm in my hometown for semester break! Yeay! I did got a plan to work and find some pocket money, but I thought that it's better to stay home and help with the things that I can help my family with; and that is a suri rumah ! Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka or better known as UTeM is one of the public university in Malaysia ( IPTA ) and located in Melaka ( The Historic State ). Quite far from home but where would the adventure be if I always stay home, right ? Here in UTeM I'm studying in Computer Science (Interactive Media) and this course is in Faculty Information Technology and Communication ( FTMK; Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi ). My study requires 70% coursework and hands-on activity and just 30% final...