Be Kind
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hey, have ever you wonder how much does kindness cost ?
Well, for your information, they're free. To act kind, be kind, they are all free and probably took a small portion of our time but still, they are free.
You know what, different people got different life story. Tons of people smile, laugh and didn't actually care about what's happening around them but sometimes that could actually be fake. Lot of people do that these days.
And there's people who didn't give a damn about others and all they think is about themselves. The headache to just think about them. Okay, joke but still they could be a pain sometimes. But maybe they do care and just didn't like to show it. Let's not think negative about them shall we?
Different people, different personalities, different preference, different life, different stories.
Who knows the one who's been smiling all day long have been hurt a lot. Who knows the one who've been staying strong are actually breaking inside. And who knows, the one that somehow like an as*h*** is actually a nice person.
I quote this from a good friend of mine. This person told me that, sometimes the one you thought are nice could actually back stabbed you anytime. Thank you for reminding me.Still, as for me, those backstabbers maybe got their own reasons on why they do that, right ?A devil behind an angel mask.
The past few years, I've been staying far from home and I've met people; some are nice, cool and some just a free spirit people; could say different people everyday and I'm thankful for that. This small experience taught me many life lessons and make me for who I am today.
I've also met this people who ain't good at expressing their emotions and they often bottle up everything inside them. There's time where they can't hold it anymore, they burst. Others often took this kind of people for granted just because they always act as if they're okay, fine with everything. I'm sorry for them.
I saw them trying to reach out for the one they called friends but somehow they're afraid to keep reaching. I hope that if you ever have a friend like this, give them a shoulder to lean on too, please. :)
The actual reason I'm writing this is to remind me, myself and others too, is to always be nice to people unless they're bad people. You know what I mean .

With love,