New Semester and New Year!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hey lovely people on earth!
How you're doing? I hope ever and each one of you are having a great time and in the pink of health. I'm already on Chinese New Year and midsem break. Yup, I'll be finishing my matriculation on May and will be staying home or I'll get myself a job. Wish me luck :)
2nd semester has been starting since December 10 last year. A lot of thing had happened even since and now we're already in the year of 2018! Can't believe that I'll be nineteen this year. Time do flies too fast when we're living in the moment. It's pretty scary to know how fast time flies. Then before we know it, life move on.
I don' think that I'll be ready when I have to face the upcoming situations; you know the adult stuff, losing the people around you and many more.
Enough with the emotional talk, I'm just wishing Happy 2018 and Happy New Semester! I know I'm late but it's better than never, right? May your life full with happiness, even if there gonna be obstacles and hardship, I do hope you'll be able to solve it. Stay true to yourself and never afraid to shine :) Learn more and let's upgrade our self to be a better person.
From the deepest part of my heart,