End Of Semester 1

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hey lovelies!

Semester 1 is done! 

It has been days since I got home. Life's great and I got to watch tv and read more books. The truth is, I haven't start reading yet. Know what I mean? Okay, just ignore that. 

I did my best for final and do pray that I ace it even tho I have a doubt on Physics. Technically, I study really hard for physics but I got the LPS ( The Last Paper Syndrome ) I hate that syndrome. Arghhhhh.Whatever it is, the past is the past and the future is the future. The thing matter is we make the best for the presence.  

Sorry for not updating for  really long time. A bit busy and just don't really have the time. I usually slept early because of classes the next day. You know, to avoid myself from being sleepy in class and having a bad day. I could be really grumpy if migraine doesn't tolerate with me. My fault to always enjoy coffee so much. 
I really sleepy right now, so night people! 

Lots of love,

P/s : I haven't move on from that crush stuff. I hate myself.


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