Life after SPM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
It's been a long time since the last day I actually spent my time on blogging. My schedule were quite hectic for the past years and now I got nothing to do aside from reading the books on the shelf and play game for hours until my hand got cramp.
I'm not really gonna talk about the result, so let's just skip it, ok? Human got secrets and me, myself got one too,
I don't really got close friends in school but still I'm thankful for everything that happened for my entire school and child life. It's time to move on because time waits for no man. It's ok to love your past and memories, as long as you don't live in it.
For now, I'll be waiting for the college/university calls. You know, the stuff after high school, the usual stuff. I was thinking about perfecting my cooking skills but I don't really want to ask help from mom. She's busy with her teacher and family stuff. I'm not really much a big helper but at least I did almost all the house work when no one home. Yes people, I'm staying alone at home for the entire morning!
I've been thinking about working on the backyard garden but nothing seems to make any progress. Curse the laziness inside of me. The only thing I did was sweep the dead leaves and the grass that dad cut. I don't really have any idea but I still want to build that dream garden. I'll work on it Insya-Allah.
Aside from that, I've been helping dad with his job at the futsal, the inside court to play soccer. It was great but sometimes I got so bored because the only thing I do was waiting to press the noisy bell. Laugh out loud!
The best part of having this long holidays is having the time to read, play games, watch movies, editing stuff and music! I got lots of things to be done actually but those thing require money, so I just pus them aside into the waiting list again. Maybe one day, I guess.
That's all I thin for now. Pardon me for the typical grammar error and stuff. I don't really care, sorry.
Lazy enough,