
Showing posts from April, 2019



I'm Sorry

Sometimes it felt so nice to have someone to depend on, a shoulder to lean when everything doesn't seems right. Someone who would just keep you together when your world feel like tumbling down. Having someone to just hug you until every pieces of you to stick together again. Look again, I wrote sometimes.  Trusting a person felt like giving a piece of your own heart to them and them breaking those trust are somewhat breaking you, yourself. To love is; to destroy and to be love is; to be the one who is destroy As I stay away from home, I keep learning that there's no one really gonna be there for me. I mean by being there all the time; hearing every blabbering, countless words that came out from me, hearing all my frustration and other stuff. There will be some but who would't be tired right ? As time went by, I pushed them away from my life so that I won't trouble them to hear me out anymore. Me feeling sorry for 'em to give, spend me their precious ti


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Another year older and hoping would be wiser and think first before doing something or making any decisions.  Today is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be again."  — Eleanor Roosevelt May happiness be with you always,  Iylia